The field of custom packing is where common people normally
don’t think of it but when it comes to recognizing through the difference of
packing than they take no time at all.
A research has found out that most of the consumers will make
their decision in less than 5 minutes from a variety of brands of a similar
product. Most of the times they are attracted towards the most appealing

One of the biggest advantages that some firms have over their
competitors is the familiarity as their wrapping outlook is more famous and
likely to attract the people. Below are some of the most popular packings that
common consumers recognize easily.
Tiffany and co:-
egg boxes
The blue boxes of Tiffany have proved to be ever green and
represent the brand excellently. Packaging companies in Dubai and all worldwide
take it as a role model in terms of packing because of its minimalist and clean
design with white satin bows that stand out thousands.
Heinz:- ketchup
The famous ketchup brand all over the world is easily
recognizable even if there are 100s of brands beside it. Whenever the word
ketchup comes in mind, the picture of Heinz plastic and squeezable bottles
start revolving in our mind.
Heinz is a role model for all the squeezable ketchup brands
all over.
Channel No.5:-
perfume box
A simply designed square label can be recognized even if
people are not users of Channel No.5. What makes it stand out is the humbly
written black text in sans-serif even if there isn’t a typical Channel
signature logo present.

People not only like its fragrance but also go for its packing
design. It was revolutionized in the 20th century in France by not
only its fragrance but also the simple yet eye-catching packing.
McDonalds: - fast
food container
McDonalds arches used as the handle to hold it are one of the
most significant trends and innovations ever made in the packing industry. Not
only are they practical but catch the eye of the consumer. The logo of the fast
food firm also mixes excellently into its custom packing.
Marlboro:- Cigarette
Now that most of the countries have banned the advertising of
cigarettes on TV but still its packing design that was sharp and enriched with
color can be familiarized by people who have seen it only once or twice in
their lives.
Demand of modern
Current times demand every aspect to be perfect about the
product to make it stand out the competitors and also to make a positive image
in the consumers mind. Packaging companies in Dubai and over the world
have also innovated themselves to the latest trends and designs.
After all it’s not only about packing something it’s all about
packing with style.